最后更新于2024年9月19日星期四19:27:02 GMT

Rapid7很高兴地宣布推出 向量的命令, a continuous 红色的团队ing managed service designed to assess your external attack surface and identify gaps in the security defenses on an ongoing basis. 继 表面命令 and 接触命令 8月, 向量的命令 will continue our expansion of 风险管理 protection for our customers.

In today’s digital landscape, organizations are more exposed to cyber threats than ever before. 云资源、SaaS解决方案,并且不断增长 它的影子 create vast external attack surfaces, making businesses increasingly vulnerable. Meanwhile attackers are constantly on the prowl, conducting reconnaissance to exploit weaknesses. Security teams lack visibility into their internet-facing exposures, 使它们容易受到潜在的破坏.

While external attack surface management (EASM) tools offer visibility, 它们往往无法得到验证, resulting in lengthy lists of potential exposures for security teams to sift through. Traditional penetration testing can help validate vulnerabilities, but its point-in-time nature risks leaving critical exposures undetected for extended periods.


向量的命令 is designed to address these challenges head-on, 提供连续的, proactive approach to securing your external attack surface by combining Rapid7’s trusted technology for external attack surface assessments with our world-class 红色的团队 expertise. 通过提供攻击者的视角, 向量的命令 empowers security teams to visualize internet-facing assets, 验证关键曝光, 采取果断行动降低风险.


  • Increased visibility of the external attack surface with persistent, proactive reconnaissance of both known and unknown internet-facing assets
  • Improved prioritization with ongoing, expert-led 红色的团队 operations to continuously validate your most critical external exposures
  • Same-day reporting of successful exploits with expert-vetted attack paths for multi-vector attack chains and a curated list of “attractive assets” that are likely to be exploited
  • 每月专家咨询 to confidently drive remediation efforts and resiliency planning

Rapid7 advantage: trusted technology and 红色的团队 expertise

At the heart of 向量的命令 is our 红色的团队 operators, 在业内名列前茅, bringing years of experience in simulating real-world attacks and identifying vulnerabilities that automated tools might miss. This combined with our recently launched Command 平台’s external attack surface assessment capability provides a unique and powerful solution to ensure that you are not just receiving a list of potential vulnerabilities, but actionable insights based on real-world attack scenarios.

外部攻击面评估: 由Rapid7的命令平台提供支持, 向量的命令 will leverage the external attack surface capability to perform ongoing, active reconnaissance and discovery of your external attack surface to help you

  • Find the unknown and ensure continuous understanding of where 它的影子 or unknown business assets may exist like exposed web services, 远程管理服务, 和更多的
  • Zero-in on potential remote access risks, and risky or unencrypted services

红队专业知识: Our expert operators leverage the latest tactics, 技术, and procedures (TTPs) to safely exploit the external exposures and test your security controls with 红色的团队 练习:

  • 机会网络钓鱼 - Our experts will design and conduct phishing campaigns using the latest TTPs with focus on demonstrating the impact of credential capture and payload execution.
  • 外部网络评估t - Ongoing assessment of vulnerabilities exposed in the external network, focused on obtaining access to your organization and its sensitive systems.
  • 入侵后漏洞模拟 -违约后, our experts will safely emulate the latest tactics to obtain command and control over the compromised system. Post-exploitation activities emulate adversary behavior to assess privilege escalation, 横向运动, 和毅力.
  • 紧急威胁验证 - Assess your network perimeter’s susceptibility to the latest Rapid7 emergent threat vulnerabilities to validate patching and security configurations.


In an era where cyber threats are constantly evolving, 向量的命令 empowers you to stay one step ahead of attackers. 通过提供持续可见性, 验证, 专家指导, we help you transform your cybersecurity posture from reactive to proactive.

Don’t wait for a breach to expose weaknesses in your defenses. With 向量的命令, you can command your attack surface with confidence, knowing that you have Rapid7’s trusted technology and Red Team expertise on your side.
